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Gönderiniz için teşekkürler!

Delivery and Returns




  1. Kullanmakta olduğunuz web sitesi üzerinden elektronik ortamda sipariş verdiğiniz takdirde, size sunulan ön bilgilendirme formunu ve mesafeli satış sözleşmesini kabul etmiş sayılırsınız.

  2. Alıcılar, satın aldıkları ürünün satış ve teslimi ile ilgili olarak 6502 sayılı Tüketicinin Korunması Hakkında Kanun ve Mesafeli Sözleşmeler Yönetmeliği (RG:27.11.2014/29188) hükümleri ile yürürlükteki diğer yasalara tabidir.

  3. Ürün sevkiyat masrafı olan kargo ücretleri alıcılar tarafından ödenecektir.

  4. Satın alınan her bir ürün, 30 günlük yasal süreyi aşmamak kaydı ile alıcının gösterdiği adresteki kişi ve/veya kuruluşa teslim edilir. Bu süre içinde ürün teslim edilmez ise, Alıcılar sözleşmeyi sona erdirebilir.

  5. Satın alınan ürün, eksiksiz ve siparişte belirtilen niteliklere uygun ve varsa garanti belgesi, kullanım klavuzu gibi belgelerle teslim edilmek zorundadır.

  6. Satın alınan ürünün satılmasının imkansızlaşması durumunda, satıcı bu durumu öğrendiğinden itibaren 3 gün içinde yazılı olarak alıcıya bu durumu bildirmek zorundadır. 14 gün içinde de toplam bedel Alıcı’ya iade edilmek zorundadır.



  1. Alıcı, satın aldığı ürün bedelini ödemez veya banka kayıtlarında iptal ederse, Satıcının ürünü teslim yükümlülüğü sona erer.



  1. Ürün teslim edildikten sonra, alıcının ödeme yaptığı kredi kartının yetkisiz kişiler tarafından haksız olarak kullanıldığı tespit edilirse ve satılan ürün bedeli ilgili banka veya finans kuruluşu tarafından Satıcı'ya ödenmez ise, Alıcı, sözleşme konusu ürünü 3 gün içerisinde nakliye gideri SATICI’ya ait olacak şekilde SATICI’ya iade etmek zorundadır.



  1. Satıcı’nın öngöremeyeceği mücbir sebepler oluşursa ve ürün süresinde teslim edilemez ise, durum Alıcı’ya bildirilir. Alıcı, siparişin iptalini, ürünün benzeri ile değiştirilmesini veya engel ortadan kalkana dek teslimatın ertelenmesini talep edebilir. Alıcı siparişi iptal ederse; ödemeyi nakit ile yapmış ise iptalinden itibaren 14 gün içinde kendisine nakden bu ücret ödenir. Alıcı, ödemeyi kredi kartı ile yapmış ise ve iptal ederse, bu iptalden itibaren yine 14 gün içinde ürün bedeli bankaya iade edilir, ancak bankanın alıcının hesabına 2-3 hafta içerisinde aktarması olasıdır.



  1. Alıcı, sözleşme konusu mal/hizmeti teslim almadan önce muayene edecek; ezik, kırık, ambalajı yırtılmış vb. hasarlı ve ayıplı mal/hizmeti kargo şirketinden teslim almayacaktır. Teslim alınan mal/hizmetin hasarsız ve sağlam olduğu kabul edilecektir. ALICI , Teslimden sonra mal/hizmeti özenle korunmak zorundadır. Cayma hakkı kullanılacaksa mal/hizmet kullanılmamalıdır. Ürünle birlikte Fatura da iade edilmelidir.



  1. ALICI; satın aldığı ürünün kendisine veya gösterdiği adresteki kişi/kuruluşa teslim tarihinden itibaren 14 (on dört) gün içerisinde, SATICI’ya aşağıdaki iletişim bilgileri üzerinden bildirmek şartıyla hiçbir hukuki ve cezai sorumluluk üstlenmeksizin ve hiçbir gerekçe göstermeksizin malı reddederek sözleşmeden cayma hakkını kullanabilir.



ŞİRKET ADI/UNVANI: Ömer Çarıkcıoğlu
ADRES: Büyükanlı Suadiye Konutları A3 Blok



  1. Alıcı, satın aldığı eğer bir hizmet ise, bu 14 günlük süre sözleşmenin imzalandığı tarihten itibaren başlar. Cayma hakkı süresi sona ermeden önce, tüketicinin onayı ile hizmetin ifasına başlanan hizmet sözleşmelerinde cayma hakkı kullanılamaz.

  2. Cayma hakkının kullanımından kaynaklanan masraflar SATICI’ ya aittir.

  3. Cayma hakkının kullanılması için 14 (ondört) günlük süre içinde SATICI' ya iadeli taahhütlü posta, faks veya eposta ile yazılı bildirimde bulunulması ve ürünün işbu sözleşmede düzenlenen "Cayma Hakkı Kullanılamayacak Ürünler" hükümleri çerçevesinde kullanılmamış olması şarttır.



  1. 3. kişiye veya ALICI’ ya teslim edilen ürünün faturası, (İade edilmek istenen ürünün faturası kurumsal ise, iade ederken kurumun düzenlemiş olduğu iade faturası ile birlikte gönderilmesi gerekmektedir. Faturası kurumlar adına düzenlenen sipariş iadeleri İADE FATURASI kesilmediği takdirde tamamlanamayacaktır.)

  2. İade formu, İade edilecek ürünlerin kutusu, ambalajı, varsa standart aksesuarları ile birlikte eksiksiz ve hasarsız olarak teslim edilmesi gerekmektedir.



  1. SATICI, cayma bildiriminin kendisine ulaşmasından itibaren en geç 10 günlük süre içerisinde toplam bedeli ve ALICI’yı borç altına sokan belgeleri ALICI’ ya iade etmek ve 20 günlük süre içerisinde malı iade almakla yükümlüdür.

  2. ALICI’ nın kusurundan kaynaklanan bir nedenle malın değerinde bir azalma olursa veya iade imkânsızlaşırsa ALICI kusuru oranında SATICI’ nın zararlarını tazmin etmekle yükümlüdür. Ancak cayma hakkı süresi içinde malın veya ürünün usulüne uygun kullanılması sebebiyle meydana gelen değişiklik ve bozulmalardan ALICI sorumlu değildir. 

  3. Cayma hakkının kullanılması nedeniyle SATICI tarafından düzenlenen kampanya limit tutarının altına düşülmesi halinde kampanya kapsamında faydalanılan indirim miktarı iptal edilir.



  1. ALICI’nın isteği veya açıkça kişisel ihtiyaçları doğrultusunda hazırlanan ve geri gönderilmeye müsait olmayan, iç giyim alt parçaları, mayo ve bikini altları, makyaj malzemeleri, tek kullanımlık ürünler, çabuk bozulma tehlikesi olan veya son kullanma tarihi geçme ihtimali olan mallar, ALICI’ya teslim edilmesinin ardından ALICI tarafından ambalajı açıldığı takdirde iade edilmesi sağlık ve hijyen açısından uygun olmayan ürünler, teslim edildikten sonra başka ürünlerle karışan ve doğası gereği ayrıştırılması mümkün olmayan ürünler, Abonelik sözleşmesi kapsamında sağlananlar dışında, gazete ve dergi gibi süreli yayınlara ilişkin mallar, Elektronik ortamda anında ifa edilen hizmetler veya tüketiciye anında teslim edilen gayrimaddi mallar, ile ses veya görüntü kayıtlarının, kitap, dijital içerik, yazılım programlarının, veri kaydedebilme ve veri depolama cihazlarının, bilgisayar sarf malzemelerinin, ambalajının ALICI tarafından açılmış olması halinde iadesi Yönetmelik gereği mümkün değildir. Ayrıca Cayma hakkı süresi sona ermeden önce, tüketicinin onayı ile ifasına başlanan hizmetlere ilişkin cayma hakkının kullanılması da Yönetmelik gereği mümkün değildir.

  2. Kozmetik ve kişisel bakım ürünleri, iç giyim ürünleri, mayo, bikini, kitap, kopyalanabilir yazılım ve programlar, DVD, VCD, CD ve kasetler ile kırtasiye sarf malzemeleri (toner, kartuş, şerit vb.) iade edilebilmesi için ambalajlarının açılmamış, denenmemiş, bozulmamış ve kullanılmamış olmaları gerekir.



  1. ALICI, ödeme işlemlerini kredi kartı ile yaptığı durumda temerrüde düştüğü takdirde, kart sahibi banka ile arasındaki kredi kartı sözleşmesi çerçevesinde faiz ödeyeceğini ve bankaya karşı sorumlu olacağını kabul, beyan ve taahhüt eder. Bu durumda ilgili banka hukuki yollara başvurabilir; doğacak masrafları ve vekâlet ücretini ALICI’dan talep edebilir ve her koşulda ALICI’nın borcundan dolayı temerrüde düşmesi halinde, ALICI, borcun gecikmeli ifasından dolayı SATICI’nın uğradığı zarar ve ziyanını ödeyeceğini kabul eder.



  1. Banka Havalesi veya EFT (Elektronik Fon Transferi) yaparak, AKBANK - TR95 0004 6002 8288 8000 1890 00 no’lu İBAN’a (TL) yapabilirsiniz.

  2. Sitemiz üzerinden kredi kartlarınız ile, Her türlü kredi kartınıza online tek ödeme ya da online taksit imkânlarından yararlanabilirsiniz. Online ödemelerinizde siparişiniz sonunda kredi kartınızdan tutar çekim işlemi gerçekleşecektir.

Distance Sales Contract


This Agreement is signed between the following parties under the terms and conditions specified below.
'BUYER'; (hereinafter referred to as "BUYER" in the contract)
'SELLER'; (hereinafter referred to as "SELLER" in the contract)
FULL NAME: Ömer Çarıkcıoğlu
ADDRESS: Büyükhanlı Suadiye Konutları A3 Block, Müzeyyen Street, Kadıköy, Istanbul
By accepting this Agreement, the BUYER acknowledges that they are informed and agree in advance to be obligated to pay the order amount, shipping costs (if any), taxes, and any other additional charges once the order is confirmed.


In the implementation and interpretation of this agreement, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated beside them:
MINISTER: Refers to the Minister of Customs and Trade,
MINISTRY: Refers to the Ministry of Customs and Trade,
LAW: Refers to the Law No. 6502 on Consumer Protection,
REGULATION: Refers to the Regulation on Distance Contracts (RG: 27.11.2014/29188),
SERVICE: Refers to any consumer transaction other than the provision of goods, made or committed to be made for a fee or benefit,
SELLER: Refers to the company acting within the scope of its commercial or professional activities, providing or acting on behalf of a provider of goods to consumers,
BUYER: Refers to the real or legal person who acquires, uses, or benefits from a good or service for non-commercial or non-professional purposes,
SITE: Refers to the website belonging to the SELLER,
ORDER PLACER: Refers to the real or legal person who requests a product or service through the SELLER's website,
PARTIES: Refers to the SELLER and the BUYER,
AGREEMENT: Refers to this agreement signed between the SELLER and the BUYER,
GOODS: Refers to the movable property that is the subject of shopping, as well as intangible goods prepared for use in electronic environments such as software, audio, visual, and similar.


This Agreement regulates the rights and obligations of the parties related to the sale and delivery of the product(s) ordered by the BUYER through the SELLER's website, under the provisions of the Law No. 6502 on Consumer Protection and the Regulation on Distance Contracts. The listed and announced prices on the site are the sales prices. The announced prices and commitments are valid until updated and changed. Prices announced for a limited period are valid until the end of the specified period.

Title: Ömer Çarıkcıoğlu
Address: Büyükhanlı Suadiye Konutları A3 Block, Müzeyyen Street, Kadıköy, Istanbul
Phone: +90 539 622 8790
Fax: -

Person to be delivered:
Delivery Address:

Full Name/Title:


7.1. The main characteristics of the product(s)/goods/service (type, quantity, brand/model, color, number) are published on the SELLER's website. During the campaign period organized by the SELLER, you can review the essential features of the relevant product throughout the campaign period. Campaigns are valid until the specified deadline.
7.2. The prices listed and announced on the site are the sales prices. The announced prices and commitments are valid until updated and changed. The prices announced for a limited period are valid until the end of the specified period.
7.3. The total sale price, including all taxes, of the goods or services subject to the agreement is shown below.

Product Description
Unit Price
Subtotal (Including VAT)
Shipping Cost

Payment Method and Plan:
Delivery Address:
Person to be delivered:
Billing Address:
Order Date:
Delivery Date:
Delivery Method:

7.4. The shipping cost of the product will be paid by the BUYER.

Full Name/Title:
Billing Delivery: The invoice will be delivered to the billing address with the order during the delivery.


9.1. The BUYER declares that they have read the preliminary information regarding the basic characteristics of the product(s) subject to the agreement, the sales price, and payment method, as well as the delivery on the SELLER's website, and provided the necessary confirmation in electronic form. The BUYER accepts, declares, and undertakes that they have received the address, the essential characteristics of the products ordered, the prices including taxes, payment, and delivery information accurately and completely before confirming this distance sales agreement electronically.

9.2. Each product under the contract shall be delivered to the BUYER or the person and/or institution at the address indicated by the BUYER within the period specified in the pre-information section on the website, depending on the distance to the BUYER's place of residence, provided that it does not exceed the legal period of 30 days. If the product cannot be delivered to the BUYER within this period, the BUYER reserves the right to terminate the contract.

9.3. The SELLER agrees, declares, and undertakes to deliver the product under the contract completely, in accordance with the specifications specified in the order, with the warranty certificates, user manuals, and necessary information and documents, free from any defects, in accordance with the legal regulations, to perform the task properly and in line with the principles of honesty, to maintain and improve the quality of service, and to act with the necessary care and diligence during the performance of the task.

9.4. The SELLER may provide a different product of equal quality and price, provided that the BUYER is informed and explicitly approves, before the period for fulfilling the performance obligation arising from the contract expires.

9.5. If the SELLER is unable to fulfill its contractual obligations due to the impossibility of fulfilling the order, it agrees, declares, and undertakes to notify the consumer of this situation in writing within 3 days of becoming aware of it, and to refund the total amount to the BUYER within 14 days.

9.6. The BUYER agrees, declares, and undertakes that they will confirm this Agreement electronically for the delivery of the product subject to the Agreement, and that if for any reason the payment for the product is not made and/or is canceled in the bank records, the SELLER's obligation to deliver the product under the contract will cease.

9.7. The BUYER agrees, declares, and undertakes that if the product under the contract is not paid by the relevant bank or financial institution to the SELLER due to unauthorized use of the BUYER's credit card by unauthorized persons after the delivery of the product to the BUYER or the person/institution at the address indicated by the BUYER, the BUYER will return the product to the SELLER within 3 days, with the shipping costs borne by the SELLER.

9.8. The SELLER agrees, declares, and undertakes that if the product cannot be delivered within the specified period due to force majeure situations that are beyond the control of the parties, could not have been foreseen, and prevent and/or delay the fulfillment of the obligations of the parties, the SELLER will notify the BUYER of this situation. The BUYER reserves the right to cancel the order, replace the product with an equivalent, or postpone the delivery until the hindrance is removed. In case of order cancellation, if the BUYER has made the payment in cash, the product amount will be refunded to them in cash within 14 days. If the payment was made by credit card, the amount will be refunded to the relevant bank within 14 days after the cancellation of the order by the BUYER. The BUYER acknowledges, declares, and undertakes that the average process for the amount refunded by the SELLER to be reflected on the BUYER’s account by the bank may take 2 to 3 weeks, and that the reflection of this amount to the BUYER's accounts after being refunded to the bank is entirely related to the bank's transaction process, and the BUYER cannot hold the SELLER responsible for any possible delays.

9.9. The SELLER has the right to contact the BUYER for communication, marketing, notification, and other purposes via letter, e-mail, SMS, phone call, and other means through the address, e-mail address, fixed and mobile phone lines, and other contact information provided by the BUYER during registration or later updated by the BUYER. By accepting this contract, the BUYER agrees and declares that the SELLER may carry out the above-mentioned communication activities towards them.

9.10. The BUYER will inspect the goods/service subject to the contract before receiving them and will not accept damaged and defective goods/services such as crushed, broken, torn packaging from the shipping company. The goods/services received will be deemed undamaged and intact. After delivery, the obligation to carefully protect the goods/services belongs to the BUYER. If the right of withdrawal is to be exercised, the goods/services must not be used. The invoice must be returned.

9.11. In cases where the holder of the credit card used during the order is not the same person as the BUYER or if a security vulnerability is detected regarding the credit card before the delivery of the product to the BUYER, the SELLER may request the BUYER to provide the identity and contact information of the credit card holder, the statement of the previous month of the credit card used in the order, or a letter from the bank of the cardholder stating that the credit card belongs to them. The order will be frozen until the BUYER provides the requested information/documents, and if the aforementioned requests are not met within 24 hours, the SELLER reserves the right to cancel the order.

9.12. The BUYER declares and undertakes that the personal and other information provided while registering on the SELLER's website is accurate, and that they will immediately, in cash and in full, compensate the SELLER for all damages incurred due to the incorrectness of this information upon the SELLER's first notification.

9.13. The BUYER agrees and undertakes to comply with the provisions of the legal regulations while using the SELLER's website and not to violate them. Otherwise, all legal and penal obligations will be fully and exclusively binding on the BUYER.

9.14. The BUYER may not use the SELLER's website in any way that disrupts public order, violates general morality, disturbs or harasses others, for an unlawful purpose, or in a way that infringes upon the material and moral rights of others. Additionally, the member cannot engage in activities (spam, viruses, Trojan horses, etc.) that prevent or make it difficult for others to use the services.

9.15. Links to other websites and/or content not controlled by the SELLER and/or owned and operated by third parties may be provided via the SELLER's website. These links are placed to provide ease of direction to the BUYER and do not support any website or the person who operates the site, and do not constitute any guarantee regarding the information contained in the linked website.

9.16. The member who violates one or more of the provisions listed in this agreement will be personally and criminally liable for this violation and will keep the SELLER free from the legal and criminal consequences of these violations. Additionally, if the violation leads to the event being brought into the legal realm, the SELLER reserves the right to claim compensation from the member for non-compliance with the membership agreement.


10.1. The BUYER may exercise their right of withdrawal by rejecting the product without assuming any legal or penal liability and without providing any justification, within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of delivery of the product to them or to the person/institution indicated by them, provided that they notify the SELLER. In the case of distance contracts for the provision of services, this period starts from the date the contract is signed. If the service is started with the consumer's approval before the withdrawal period ends, the right of withdrawal cannot be exercised. The costs incurred in exercising the right of withdrawal shall be borne by the SELLER. By accepting this contract, the BUYER acknowledges in advance that they have been informed about the right of withdrawal.

10.2. In order to exercise the right of withdrawal, written notification must be sent to the SELLER via registered mail, fax, or email within the 14-day period.

a) The invoice for the product delivered to the third party or the BUYER (If the invoice of the product to be returned is corporate, it must be sent together with the return invoice issued by the institution. Returns of orders issued on behalf of institutions will not be completed unless a RETURN INVOICE is issued.)

b) Return form,

c) The box, packaging, and, if applicable, standard accessories of the products to be returned must be delivered complete and undamaged.

d) The SELLER is obliged to return the total amount and the documents that put the BUYER in debt within 10 days from the receipt of the withdrawal notice and to accept the return of the goods within 20 days.

e) If the value of the goods decreases due to the BUYER's fault or if the return becomes impossible, the BUYER is obliged to compensate the SELLER for damages in proportion to the fault. However, the BUYER is not responsible for changes and deterioration caused by proper use of the goods or products during the right of withdrawal period.

f) If the campaign limit amount set by the SELLER is fallen below due to the use of the right of withdrawal, the discount amount enjoyed under the campaign will be canceled.

11. PRODUCTS FOR WHICH THE RIGHT OF WITHDRAWAL CANNOT BE USED Products prepared according to the BUYER's request or personal needs and unsuitable for return, such as underwear, swimsuits and bikini bottoms, makeup products, disposable products, goods with a risk of rapid deterioration or expiration, products whose packaging has been opened by the BUYER after delivery, products that are unsuitable for health and hygiene reasons, products that mix with other products after delivery and cannot be separated due to their nature, goods such as newspapers and magazines that are not provided under a subscription agreement, electronically performed services or intangible goods delivered immediately to the consumer, and audio or video recordings, books, copyable software and programs, DVD, VCD, CD and tapes, and stationery supplies (such as toner, cartridges, ribbons, etc.) must be unopened, untried, undamaged, and unused to be returned.

12. DEFAULT AND LEGAL CONSEQUENCES If the BUYER defaults on payment transactions made by credit card, they accept, declare, and undertake to pay interest according to the credit card agreement with the card-issuing bank and be liable to the bank. In this case, the relevant bank may take legal action; claim the costs and attorney's fees from the BUYER, and in any case, if the BUYER defaults on their debt, the BUYER accepts, declares, and undertakes to pay for the damages and losses suffered by the SELLER due to the delayed performance of the debt.

13. COMPETENT COURT In disputes arising from this contract, complaints and objections will be made to the consumer arbitration board or consumer court located in the BUYER's place of residence or where the consumer transaction was made, within the monetary limits specified in the law below. The monetary limits are as follows:

Effective from 28/05/2014: a) For disputes under 2,000.00 TL, district consumer arbitration boards, b) For disputes under 3,000.00 TL, provincial consumer arbitration boards, c) In metropolitan areas, for disputes between 2,000.00 TL and 3,000.00 TL, provincial consumer arbitration boards.

This contract is made for commercial purposes.

14. ENTRY INTO FORCE When the BUYER makes the payment for the order placed through the Site, they are deemed to have accepted all the terms of this contract. The SELLER is obligated to make the necessary software arrangements to ensure that the BUYER has read and accepted this contract on the site before the order is processed.

SELLER: Ömer Çarıkcıoğlu

Privacy Policy


All services provided by our store are owned and operated by Ömer Çarıkcıoğlu, located at Büyükhanlı Suadiye Konutları A3 Blok, Müzeyyen Sokak, Kadıköy, Istanbul.

Our company may collect personal data for various purposes. Below, it is stated how and in what way personal data is collected and how it is protected.

Some personal information related to members (such as name-surname, company information, phone, address, or email addresses) is collected by our store by filling out various forms and surveys on our store.

Our company may send campaign information, details about new products, and promotional offers to customers and members at specific times. Our members can choose whether or not to receive this information when signing up, and later, they can change this selection in the account information section after logging in or notify us via the link in the information email they received.

The personal information transmitted to our store by our members electronically will not be disclosed to third parties outside the purposes and scope specified in the "User Agreement" that we have made with our members.

Our company records and uses IP addresses of its members to identify system-related problems and resolve any issues or disputes regarding the services provided. IP addresses can also be used to identify users in a broad manner and to collect comprehensive demographic information.

Our company may use the information requested for direct marketing purposes, either by itself or through partners. Personal information may also be used when necessary to contact the user. Information requested by our company or provided by the user, or information regarding transactions made through our store, can be used anonymously for various statistical evaluations, database creation, and market research by our company and its collaborators, as per the "User Agreement."

Our company is committed to keeping confidential information strictly private and confidential, considering it a duty of confidentiality, and taking all necessary measures to ensure and maintain confidentiality, prevent unauthorized use or disclosure of confidential information, and demonstrate due diligence.


Our company prioritizes the security of credit card holders who shop on our websites. Credit card information is not stored in our system in any way.

To ensure that you are on a secure site during the transaction process, you should pay attention to two things: one is the key or lock symbol at the bottom of your browser. This indicates that you are on a secure internet page, and all your information is encrypted and protected. This information is used only in line with your instructions during the sales transaction process. The credit card information used during shopping is encrypted with the 128-bit SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol and sent to the relevant bank for inquiry independently of our shopping sites. Once the card's usability is confirmed, the shopping continues. Since no information about the card can be viewed or recorded by us, it prevents third parties from obtaining this information under any circumstances.

When making online purchases with a credit card, the payment/invoice/delivery address information is checked for reliability by our company against Credit Card Fraud. Therefore, the accuracy of the financial and address/phone information must first be confirmed for the orders of customers placing their first order through our shopping sites to reach the supply and delivery stage. If necessary, the credit card holder customer or the relevant bank may be contacted for the verification of this information.

All information you provide during registration can only be accessed and modified by you. As long as you keep your login information secure, it is impossible for others to access or change your information. For this purpose, transactions are carried out in a 128-bit SSL security area during registration. This system is an international encryption standard that is virtually unbreakable.

It is recommended that you note down the phone/address information of the store from which you are purchasing before shopping and verify it by calling if you are not sure. All of our company's online shopping sites provide complete information and details of the company.


Any identity and credit card information you send to us via mail order will be stored by our company in accordance with our confidentiality principles. These details will be kept for 60 days against possible disputes with the bank and then destroyed. Since the amount of the mail-order form you approve for the ordered products will be charged to your card, no additional amount beyond this will be charged to your card, thus posing no risk to you.


Our store may provide links to other sites within the website. Our company bears no responsibility for the privacy practices and content of the websites accessed via these links. Advertisements distributed to users on our site are delivered through our advertising partners. The principles of this "Privacy Policy" apply only to the use of our store and do not cover third-party websites.


In limited cases, our company may disclose users' information to third parties outside the provisions of this "Privacy Policy." These situations include:

  1. Complying with legal obligations as required by law, decree, regulation, etc.;

  2. Fulfilling the requirements of the "Membership Agreement" and other agreements with users;

  3. Responding to information requests from competent authorities as part of a duly conducted investigation or inquiry;

  4. Providing information when necessary to protect users' rights or security.


Never include your credit card number or passwords in the emails you send to our Customer Service regarding any of your orders. The information in your emails can be seen by third parties. Our company cannot guarantee the security of the information transmitted through your emails.


Our company may obtain information about users visiting our store and their website usage by using a technical communication file (Cookie). Technical communication files are small text files sent to the user's browser by a website and stored in the main memory. The technical communication file facilitates the use of the internet by storing status and preferences about the site.

The technical communication file helps to obtain statistical information about how many people visited the site, for what purpose, how many times, and how long they stayed on the site. It also helps to dynamically generate advertisements and content tailored to users from specially designed user pages. The technical communication file is not designed to retrieve data from the main memory or obtain personal information such as your email.

Browsers are usually pre-configured to accept technical communication files, but users can change these settings to reject cookies or have them notify when cookies are being sent.

Our company may change the provisions of this "Privacy Policy" by publishing it on the site or by sending an email or posting it on the site. The provisions of the Privacy Policy become effective on the date of publication.

For any questions or suggestions regarding our privacy policy, you can email You can reach us using the contact details below:

Company Name: Ömer Çarıkcıoğlu
Address: Büyükhanlı Suadiye Konutları, Müzeyyen Sokak, Kadıköy, Istanbul
Tel: +90 539 6228790
Fax: -

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